Pathological Anatomy and Analysis of Death Causes for a Chinese White Dolphin 一头中华白海豚的病理解剖及死因分析
When you throw a white stone into the Red Sea, What will it become? Pathological anatomy and identification of death causes for four Chinese White Dolphins in Pearl River Estuary 脑筋急转弯:把一颗白色的石头扔到红海中,石头发生了怎样的变化?珠江口海域4头中华白海豚的病理解剖及死因鉴定
Pathological anatomy, Embryology and surgical treatment of Congenital Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery 先天性冠状动脉起源异常病理解剖及胚胎学与外科治疗
Pathological anatomy and identification of death causes for four Chinese White Dolphins in Pearl River Estuary 珠江口海域4头中华白海豚的病理解剖及死因鉴定
Pathologie ( pathological anatomy/ pathology): The study of disease processes with the aim of understanding their nature and causes. 病理解剖学:研究疾病过程的科学,旨在理解疾病的性质和原因。
Study on Pathological Anatomy of Red Skin Disease of Swine 猪红皮病的病理解剖学研究
Objective: To explore the pathological anatomy of Chiari malformation and discuss its clinical significance. 目的:探讨Chiari畸形的病理解剖学特征及临床意义。
By using the methods of field investigation, microbial cultivation, pathological anatomy and electron probe, a preliminary investigation on the symptom, characteristic of occurrence and field distribution, etiology of the fluorescent green spot disease on tea leaves was conducted by the authors. 采用田间调查、病原生物培养、病理解剖和电子探针多种方法,对茶树叶片荧光性绿斑病的症状、发生和田间分布特点、病因进行了初步研究。
Results Most of operating procedures of treating trigger finger with small needle knife introduced in the literatures have the flaws and do not conform to the pathological characteristic of trigger finger and the rule of the clinical anatomy. 结果介绍小针刀治疗扳机指的操作方法多数有误,也不符合扳机指的病理特征和临床解剖学规律。
Study on pathological anatomy of Phytophthora blightin ″ hami ″ melon 哈密瓜疫病的病理解剖研究
Discussions are made about the genesis of the anomaly, its pathological anatomy and the clinical-surgery aspects. 本文还对该病的胚胎发生过程、病理形态、解剖分类及外科临床特征进行了讨论。
Pathological Anatomy and Serum Identification of Acute coliform Bacteria on three chickens Breeds 3个品种雏鸡急性大肠杆菌病的病理解剖及血清型鉴定
The pathological anatomy, clinical features, laboratory and operative results were analysed. 对其病理解剖、临床表现、实验室检查和手术结果进行统计分析。
Depending on the pathological anatomy of prostate, two different kinds of 90 Sr 90 Y prostatic hyperplasia applicators including "urethra type" and "rectum type" are designed and used. 根据人体前列腺的病理解剖,设计并试验了两种不同类型的90Sr-90Y前列腺增生治疗器(尿道型和直肠型)。
The pathological changes of haemophilus parasuis infection in swine were studied with the methods of gross anatomy, routine paraffin section and H · E staining. 采用大体剖检、常规石蜡切片、H.E染色法研究猪副猪嗜血杆菌感染的病理变化。
Pathological anatomy showed that the main changes in the panda were congestion, hydrops and hemorrhage in parenchymatous organs. 病理剖检显示,该熊猫主要表现为实质器官充血、水肿和出血性变化;
Pathological anatomy of rachis in Wheat Varieties with resistance against scab 小麦品种抗赤霉病穗轴病理解剖的研究
Studies on the Pathological Anatomy and Cytochemistry of Peroxidase during the Course of Rice Blast 稻瘟病病程中的病理解剖学及过氧化物酶的细胞化学研究
Discussion of teaching reform of pathological anatomy 病理解剖学教学改革探讨
Objective To explore the pathological anatomy and clinical significance of CPA in patients with acoustic neurinoma by microsurgical therapy, ascertain the relationships between tumor and adjacent neurovascular structures and clarify the reason and prevention of post-operational complications when removing tumors. 目的探讨患听神经瘤的显微外科治疗桥小脑角局部病理解剖,确定肿瘤和桥小脑角的结构相互关系,阐明肿瘤切除时发生并发症的原因及预防方法。
Through the pathological anatomy, laboratory tests, feed testing, Attack toxicity tests and feeding trials, It was diagnosed as caused by an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus feed. 经病理剖检、实验室检验、饲料化验、攻毒试验和饲养试验,诊断为饲料的钙磷比例失调引起。
Resolution of conventional MRI of the lesions is limited, less able to distinct the different pathological changes of MS, and are not well used to study cognitive function based on the pathological anatomy. 传统MRI对病灶的分辨力有限,对不同病理改变的区分能力较差,不能很好的用来研究MS认知功能改变的病理解剖基础。
Livers and kidneys were obviously enlarged, colors of spleen were deeper slightly and congested and pericardial fluid increased in pathological anatomy. 病理解剖观察发现,肝肾有明显肿大,脾脏肿胀且颜色略有加深,淤血,心脏的心包液增多。
Conclusion DSAS is a progressive disease, Better knowledge of pathological anatomy, timing of surgery, the key to the operation is that left ventricular outflow tract should be thoroughly dredged, no injury should be made to the aortic valve, mitral valve and conduction bundle. 结论局限性主动脉瓣下狭窄是进展性的疾病,需掌握该病的病理解剖和手术适应症,手术关键是彻底解除狭窄,同时防止对主动脉瓣、二尖瓣及传导束的损伤。
Meanwhile, incidence statistics were collected by clinical observation, pathological anatomy, pathological diagnosis combined after Continuous observation of the test chickens at the same time to 63 days after virus attack. 同时对试验鸡连续观察至攻毒后63天,用临床观察、病理解剖、病理组织学相结合的诊断方法统计发病率。